Happy Chicks Podcast
Happy Chicks Podcast
Walk the World 4 Endo - Interview with Kat Stanely director of Endo Help Foundation
Here is a word many of us are familiar with, Endometriosis…but did you know that the average diagnosis delay in Australia is 6.4 years, I find this stat staggering yet unfortunately very believable.
I was joined on the program by Kat Stanely, director of Endo Help Foundation who helps us understand why this is and what we can ALL do to shift this alarming delay.
This October join Kat and me as we, and many others from around the world, complete the Walk the World 4 Endo virtual month long walk. Register HERE.
This season I'm sharing interviews and conversations with inspirational people about conversations that need to be had and heard. These conversations are part of the morning radio program Loretta's Front Page, broadcast on 94.7 Pulse FM community radio in Geelong.
You can listen live or pick up a replay of the entire show at https://947thepulse.com/shows/lorettas-front-page/