Happy Chicks Podcast
Happy Chicks Podcast
The Art of Asking
My mantra is Clarity Is Kindness. This is how I try to turn asking into an art rather than a dreaded job.
Getting clear on what we want, asking for help or requesting the space to step forward on our own is all a form of kindness. It’s kind for us because it means we have more hope of getting the desired outcome and kind for those around us. They can choose to grant the request when they have all the information.
This is the Happy Chicks podcast where we explore the pathways of happiness with the fluff and bullshit.
Our guests this episode:
Kim Macdonald
Kim is a BAS agent and book keeper who as a single mother of three found herself in a state of overwhelm and exhaustion. Kim’s rates simplicity as one of her top values in life and in business and shares her story from the heart.
Kim has the ability to make the complex simple and her down to earth tips and advice makes it feel like you are listening to a friend.
Lisa Taylor
Lisa is a family therapist, coach and consultant and Director of Strengthening Families Australia. She is incredibly passionate about supporting individuals and families to connect, heal and understand themselves and each other. She uses her highly-sensitive superpower to listen to what’s in people’s hearts, hear what’s not being said and reconnect relationships, whether it’s with yourself, partner, family or business. The core of her craft is helping people to see who they truly are in the world and to understand the gift they are to others and her mission is to create experiences of connection and belonging that allows love to thrive.
Lisa is a wife and Mum of 3 teenagers and loves working with conscious parents, and families and has developed The Ultimate Parenting Success Program and The Source coaching group to support parents and anyone wanting to strengthen their relationships.
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